
February 27, 2015
Courses under the BALTIC UNIVERSITY international programme, academic year 2014/2015 are underway at the KarRC RAS Northern Water Problems Institute.
This year’s experiment is participation of 10th grade schoolchildren of the chemistry and biology profile from ‘Gymnasium 37’, supervised by teacher of history and social sciences Margarita Kovalenko. ( )

Classes focus on 2 themes:

  • Baltic Sea Environment
  • Sustainable Water Management

In addition to NWPI KarRC RAS researchers, colleagues from other institutes, specialists from relevant organizations, university professors and high school teachers are invited to give lectures and workshops.

L.E. Nazarova, PhD with class

In the last February class Olga Dmitrieva, Teacher of Geography and Biology at High School #9 made the presentation ‘Studies of past climate on the Earth’ as a test presentation of her original material.

O. Dmitrieva making a presentation O. Dmitrieva with class

The presentation was based on materials from the international conference “Palaeolimnology of Northern Eurasia”, which O. Dmitrieva had attended in 20-24.09.2014. The conference was devoted to reconstruction of palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic environments in Northern Eurasia using interdisciplinary studies of sediment cores from lakes of different types. NWPI KarRC RAS Research & Education Centre encourages high school teachers’ aspirations to advance in their professional qualifications and offers assistance in that.

See also: