NWPI Structure

Laboratories of Hydrobiology

Head: Dr. of Biology Kalinkina, Natalia Michailovna

Major research trends

  • Main features of formation and functioning of biota in lake and river systems under the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.
  • Tolerance of hydrocoles to the anthropogenic impact.
  • Toxicity of main pollutants in Karelia
  • Study of biodiversity in water reservoirs of Fennoscandia.
  • Study of the effect of invasive species on the water ecosystems of North.
  • Formation and evolution of the freshwater biota.
  • Staff

    Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Hydrobiologist
    Isakiva, K. V.
    Research Engineer
    Research Engineer
    Researcher, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Arctic Integrated Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Junior Researcher
    Junior Researcher
    Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Junior Researcher

    Contact information

    Official title: Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Address: Aleksander Nevsky st., 50
    185030 Petrozavodsk,
    Republic of Karelia
    Contact phone(s): 8(8142)57-65-20
    Fax: 8(8142)57-84-64