Scientific publications
Зоопланктон как компонент экосистемы Онежского озера
Куликова Т.П., Кустовлянкина Н.Б., Сярки М.Т.
Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 1997. 112 с.
Zooplankton as a Component of Lake Onego Ecosystem. / Kulikova T.P., Kustovljankina N.B., Sjarki M.T.. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, 1997. 112 p.
The results of long-term research (1966-1993) into Lake Onega zooplankton are represented in the book. The field research was part of the Northern Water Problems Institute RSA complex expedition on the Programme «Studies on the formation and function of Lake Onega Ecosystem under Anthropogenic Effect». The list of species composition in communities (Protozoan, Rotaria, Crustacean) is included. The structure of species composition, its spatial distribution and seasonal development are analysed. Attention is paid to productivity and functional importance of main zooplankton groups and the whole community in the Lake ecosystem. The role of small-size fraction in the zooplankton is shown.
The book is intended for hydrobiologists, ecologists and environmentalists.
The book is intended for hydrobiologists, ecologists and environmentalists.
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Last modified: February 29, 2016