Scientific publications
Ю.А. Смирнов.
Экологические проблемы форелеводства и способы их решения
// Водная среда: комплексный подход к изучению, охране и использованию. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 43-49
After a prolonged latent period, trout farming started developing actively in Karelia since the early 1990s. It has now evolved into an independent industry producing over 7000 ton of tradable fish a year, i.e. 70–75% of tradable trout output in Russia. This output is significantly higher than annual total allowable catch (TAC) and actual catches of "wild" fish from all freshwater systems of Karelia taken together. Trout rearing volumes are now growing rapidly. This fact naturally causes some anxiety concerning potential environmental consequences of aquaculture in freshwater ecosystems, as well as the desire to keep our waters clean, to determine and set acceptable "growth limits", first of all in order to maintain good quality of potable water.
Aquatic_environment_043-49.pdf (283 Kb, total downloads: 459)
Last modified: December 17, 2008