Scientific publications
П.А. Лозовик , Н.В. Кулик, Н.А. Ефременко.
Литофильные элементы и тяжелые металлы в Онежском озере: источники поступления, содержание и трансформация
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. Лимнология. 2020. C. 62-74
P.A. Lozovik , N.V. Kulik, N.A. Efremenko. Lithophile elements and heavy metals in Lake Onego: sources, concentrations and transformation // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Limnology. 2020. Pp. 62-74
Keywords: Lake Onego; natural and anthropogenically permissible loads; retention capacity; rate constant of transformation; assimilation capacity of lakes
The article deals with the chemical balance and transformation of lithophile elements (Fe, Mn, Si, and Al) and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Pb) in Lake Onego. They were found to arrive in the lake from various sources (streamflow, precipitation, base flow, sewage, runoff from residential areas, and leakage from municipal waste landfills). The permissible input of the elements to the lake was estimated taking into account its assimilation capacity and the requirement to maintain the geochemical class of the water.
DOI: 10.17076/lim1189
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: May 7, 2020