
Scientific publications

Ю.Р. Химич, И.В. Змитрович.
Новые находки афиллофороидных грибов в Мурманской области. 2. Печенгский район
Yu.R. Khimich, I.V. Zmitrovich. New findings of aphyllophoroid fungi in the Murmansk region. 2. Pechengsky district // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2019. Pp. 93-100
Keywords: aphyllophoroid fungi; new records; Murmansk Region; Protected Areas; Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve; Fennoscandia
Seventeen species of aphyllophoroid fungi (Antrodiella ichnusana, Athelia bombacina, Bankera violascens, Ceraceomyces eludens, Crustoderma corneum, Mycoacia fuscoatra, Peniophora erikssonii, Phellodon melaleucus, Ph. niger, Radulodon aneirinus, Sistotrema sernanderi, Steccherinum lacerum, Tomentella griseoumbrina, Tomentellopsis echinospora, Trechispora nivea, T. subsphaerospora, Vuilleminia comedens) are reported as new in the Murmansk Region, collected from Pechengsky District. The distribution of the species in areas adjacent to the Murmansk Region (Republic of Karelia, Norway, Finland) is discussed. The surveys were carried out in operating (Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve) and planned (Regional Nature Monument "Bogs near Lake Alla-Akkajarvi" and Pazovsky Regional Nature Reserve) protected areas. The sightings of Antrodiella ich-nusana and Tomentella griseoumbrina are the northernmost in Fennoscandia. Information is given on the occurrence of Athelia arachnoidea, known in the region only from the Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve. Nowadays, the mycobiota of the Murmansk Region comprises 400 aphyllophoroid fungal species, including the ones mentioned in this article.
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Last modified: February 5, 2019