
Scientific publications

С.Р. Майоров.
Datura wrightii Regel (Solanaceae) - новый чужеродный вид для флоры России
S.R. Mayorov. Datura wrightii Regel (Solanaceae) - a new alien species for the flora of Russia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Biogeography. 2018. Pp. 154-155
Keywords: Datura wrightii; alien species; flora of Russia
D. wrightii Regel is reported for the first time for the alien flora of Russia, Belarus and Azerbaijan (MW, MHA). The species had previously been erroneously identified as D. innoxia Mill. Herbarium collections of D. wrightii in Russia are indicated, the diagnostic traits are discussed.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: August 20, 2018