
Sidorova Anastasiy Ivanovna

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Academic degree: Cand. (PhD) of Biology (2013)

Fax: 8(8142)57-84-64
Address: Aleksander Nevsky st., 50
185030 Petrozavodsk,
Republic of Karelia

Scientific speciality: ecology

Education: Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of Ecology and Biology

Major research trends: hydrobiology

Keywords: freshwater ecosystems of lakes, zoobenthos, invasive species, crustaceans, ecosystem sustainability

Curriculum Vitae:
I graduated from the Faculty of Ecology and Biology of Petrozavodsk State University in 2009. I specialized in hydrobiology. I was trained in postgraduate study of the Post-Graduate School of Karelian Research Center, RAS in 2009-2012, specializing in ecology. The theme of my dissertation is: “Structural and functional characteristics of the population of the Baikal invader Gmelinoides fasciatus Stebbing (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on the northern boundary of the areal range (Lake Onego)”.

Last modified: October 15, 2024