Fundamental challenges and practical solutions for water conservation and sustainable management in Northwest Russia
| NORTHERN WATER PROBLEMS INSTITUTE KarRC RAS Conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of NWPI KarRC RAS and 75th anniversary of the Karelian Research Centre
Dear colleagues,
you are invited to take part in an online & offline conference celebrating NWPI KarRC RAS anniversary, entitled “Fundamental challenges and practical solutions for water conservation and sustainable management in Northwest Russia”.
MAIN CONFERENCE THEMATIC AREAS: The role of hydrophysical processes aquatic ecosystem functioning. Natural trends and advanced research techniques Lake sediments – natural archives of local, regional, and global changes in the Earth’s geographical environmentBiodiversity and trophic interactions in aquatic ecosystems under climate change and human impact Water bodies’ response to climate changeIssues in sustainable use, conservation and management of water resourcesModeling of hydrological and biogeochemical processesHydrochemical studies of marine and surface waters DATES AND DEADLINES:Until January 25, 2021 – electronic registration
Until February 1, 2021 – submission of papers for publication
Until February 10, 2021 – drafting the conference programme
Until February 15, 2021 – finalizing the programme
March 19 – conference day (11 Pushkinskaya St. and 50 Al. Nevsky Ave.)
Depending on the number of speakers, the audience may be split into parallel sessions in the afternoon.
25 апреля – journal issue publication
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:Chairperson:Filatov N.N,., RAS Corr. Academician, Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS Vice-chairperson: Nazarova L.E.,Cand. Sci., , Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RASScientific Committee members: Kalinkina N.M., Dr. Sci.Zdorovennova G.E., Cand. Sci.Tolstikov A.V., Cand. Sci.Belkina N.A., Cand. Sci.Zobkov M.B., Cand. Sci.Executive Secretary:Regerand T.I., Cand. Sci., Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS
1st circular (ru) (241 Kb, total downloads: 417)
1st circular (en) (121 Kb, total downloads: 271)
info_2_r-jubilej_2021-1.pdf (227 Kb, total downloads: 306)
2021-programma_pravka__ot_15.03.pdf (318 Kb, total downloads: 254)