Stage 2 of the 6th international young scientists conference “Water Resources: Research and Management"

Dear colleagues,
We hereby invite you to take part in the Polar School & Workshop (Winter Limnological School) – 2nd stage of the 6th International Young Scientists Conference “WATER RESOURCES: RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT” (SCHOOL & WORKSHOP) to take place in Apatity in April 2021.

  • Northern Water Problems Institute, KarRC RAS
  • Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS
  • Research and Education Centre, NWPI KarRC RAS
  • Young Scientists Council, NWPI KarRC RAS
  • Karelian Research Centre RAS
  • Kola Science Centre RAS

    The Polar School & Workshop is organized by the Northern Water Problem Institute of the Karelian Research Centre RAS (NWPI KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia) and the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS (INEP KSC RAS, Apatity, Murmansk Region). It is the first time that the School & Workshop will take place north of the Polar circle, in the Murmansk Region, hosted by the Kola Science Centre RAS.

    - formation of inland water resources under human impact;
    - challenges for sustainable water use, protection, and management;
    - challenges for Russia’s transboundary waters;
    - bottom sediments: geochemistry, palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic reconstructions of water bodies and their catchments;
    - modeling of hydrological and ecosystem-wide processes;
    - response of water objects to climate change;
    - functioning of aquatic communities under climate change;
    - formation process and current state of aquatic biological resources;
    - bioindication and biomonitoring, ecotoxicological assessment of waters;
    - the state and development of aquatic communities in response to hydrophysical processes in the water body.

    The event comprises a theoretical and a practical component. Leading researchers from the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS (Apatity), Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS (Petrozavodk) and other partner organizations will give lectures, including online, which will be recorded and made available at the conference website. Specialists will also introduce the participants of the School & Workshop to the main methods of studying water bodies in the spring-winter season (all the activities will take place on Lake Imandra ice): water sampling from different depths by bathometer, and sediment sampling by gravity corer, measurements of temperature, pH, Eh, turbidity, dissolved solids, and other parameters. In the research station’s laboratories, the participants will learn how to prepare samples for microscopic examination of planktic and benthic organisms. Leading specialists in ichthyology will demonstrate the main techniques for capturing and laboratory treatment of fish in ecological studies. As a nice bonus, the participants will be offered to taste a meal made of the fish captured from Lake Imandra during the classes.

    Until January 20, 2021 – submission of applications (number of participants is limited) through online registration on the website, indicating three research areas to help prepare the agenda and the volume of lectures and practical guidelines. The final decision regarding the participants will be taken by the Organizing Committee. Preference will be given to students in and after 3rd year of university, with aspirations for a career in science, to PhD students, and practicing young scientists;
    Until March 1, 2021 – accepting contributions from researchers (S&W lecturers) for the preparation of the volume of lectures and guidelines; compiling draft programme for the Polar School & Workshop;
    Until March 25, 2021 – confirmations for offline participation in the Polar School & Workshop;
    Until April 1, 2021 – finalizing the program;
    April 12-17, 2021 – dates of the Polar School & Workshop.

    Until January 20, 2021 electronic registration on the event website

    Russian and English.

    Volume of lectures and practical guidelines prepared by researchers and university lecturers will be published on the NWPI KarRC RAS website and INEP KSC RAS RAS website and produced in paper version.
    Format requirements for contributions to the volume of lectures and practical guidelines will be circulated separately.

    S&W Leaders:
    Aleksey Tolstikov, Cand. Sci. (Geog.), Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS,
    Zakhar Slukovsky, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS, ,
    Natalia Galakhina, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS,

    Îòâåòñòâåííûå ñåêðåòàðè:
    Tatiana Regerand, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS,
    Sofya Vokueva, North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS,

    (participants of the 6th International Young Scientists Conference “WATER RESOURCES: RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT” (SCHOOL & WORKSHOP):
  • Water Problems Institute RAS (Moscow)
  • Marine Hydrophysics Institute RAS (Sevastopol)
  • Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • Dalian University of Technology (China)
  • Chang'an University (China)
  • Russian Geographical Society Branch in the Republic of Karelia
  • Nansen International Center for Environment and Remote Sensing (St. Petersburg)
  • St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg)

  • First circular (ru) (275 Kb, total downloads: 263)

    First circular (en) (234 Kb, total downloads: 241)

    2ng circular (en) (379 Kb, total downloads: 295)

    programma_shkoly_itog.pdf (230 Kb, total downloads: 217)